Re: Bug#224742 acknowledged by developer (Re: Bug#224742: Related to this issue...)
* Henning Makholm
| Scripsit Martin Loschwitz <>
| > I really don't get why you want to blame aj.
| Becauses he uses BTS ownership to blugeon people into submission?
aj, in <[🔎]>:
: I'm happy to do the same thing for any other maintainer who is being
: attacked by someone who's trying to use the BTS reopen command to
: force a maintainer to do things against their better judgement.
Can you now tell me that aj is using his BTS ownership to bludgeon
somebody and that it's all a conspiracy and Debian is run by a cabal?
Tollef Fog Heen ,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are : :' :
`. `'
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