Re: Bug#224742 acknowledged by developer (Re: Bug#224742: Related to this issue...)
Scripsit Tollef Fog Heen <>
> * Henning Makholm
> aj, in <[🔎]>:
> : I'm happy to do the same thing for any other maintainer who is being
> : attacked by someone who's trying to use the BTS reopen command to
> : force a maintainer to do things against their better judgement.
> Can you now tell me that aj is using his BTS ownership to bludgeon
> somebody
Yes - he is even inventing a "force a maintainer to do things against
their better judgement" that does not exist. Who's to say that in
cases where the developer's point is not one Anthony agrees with, he
will still see such non-existing "attacks"?
It is impossible for an open wishlist item to "force a maintainer to
do things against their better judgement". The maintainer is fully
within his rights to ignore the wishlist item. He can act as hist
better judgement instructs him to whether or not the wishlist item is
open. Anthony was not in any way being attacked.
> and that it's all a conspiracy and Debian is run by a cabal?
I'm not saying that, no. It would be silly. A single developer
overstepping fair conduct while carrying out his job does neither a
conspiracy nor a cabal make.
Henning Makholm "Y'know, I don't want to seem like one of those
hackneyed Jews that you see in heartwarming movies.
But at times like this, all I can say is 'Oy, gevalt!'"
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