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Re: Done

On Wed, Sep 10, 2003 at 11:43:37PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava scribbled:
> > And that took less than a minute in total, borrowing phrases from
> > the README.
> 	Good on you. Now, tell me again, if it takes a stranger to a
>  package less than a minute to come up with a decent description, why
>  in hells name are all these *MAINTAINERS*, for gods sake, whinging
>  and crying all over the mailing list that no one has provided them
>  with a patch for the bloody description?
You are completely missing the point. It's not about the strangers having to
do these things. It's about a fellow DD doing it - a developer like you or
Javier. Why are you so stubborn on refusing the simple fact? The developers
should do what Matt did if they want to help others and care to file bug

> 	Is the alleged intention of the membership to create the best
>  distribution ever a thing of the past?
And now you are contradicting yourself. First you state that strangers
shouldn't be forced to fix the packages and their descriptions and a while
after you talk about _making_ a distribution which is a domain of the
developers. And if it is the domain of the debian developers, then it's
implied they should be the ones to do what you suggested the "strangers"
would have to do.



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