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Re: About NM and Next Release

On Sun, Aug 10, 2003 at 06:50:02PM +1000, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 08, 2003 at 05:23:16AM +0200, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
> > Policy changes, voting and the internal discussions all need
> > membership. Having NMs hang in limbo without due cause is denying them
> > the right to those.
> What right?

Taxation without representation, et al...

I would like all of us that has already passed through the NM process
(or even been DD's since way before the NM-process got invented) to
consider the following:

Would you like to voluntarily give up your status as a DD and (re)pass
through the NM-process, having to do uploads via sponsors, being unable
to vote, etc., only to get stuck for 6 months to 3 years waiting, often
without any feedback?

Those who answer yes here are those who imho are entitled to say that
the current NM-situation is ok (unless they are liars of course, but no
DD's are liars, right?) Those who answer no here should take a
minute to think about why they expect others to do what they are not
prepared to do.

I'm not saying that the NM-process should be scrapped and anyone let in;
far from it.  We should keep the NM process, and we DO need paranoia
regarding who gets in, and who doesn't.  We do need to have high quality
standards.  But we also need transparency and faster rejections of those
that should be rejected.

(I should take a minute here to note that I passed relatively painless
 through the NM-process, but I can't help thinking that this might've
 been due to my previous merits as a kernel-developer rather than my
 work on the Debian-project so far.)

Now a slight hint to the NM-applicants that repeatedly complain about
our DAM, some even hinting that he is stalling accepting of new
maintainers for his own purpose or just generally being an BDAMFH.  He
isn't.  Well, at least I saw no dark aura around his presence when I met
him at Deb{Camp,Conf}, his name isn't Darth Troup, he never smirked, or
laughed in evil sinister ways.  Or, simpler said, he is a perfectly nice
guy, like any of us.  He has a lot of things to do, that's all, and few
others can be trusted with the responsibility to perform them.

Now, if you know that the only way to get into your favourite club is
to go through the main entrance, and the main entrance is guarded by a
bouncer who doesn't take bribes, is it then a good idea to slander him,
question his authority or demanding his resignation?

Regards: David Weinehall
 /) David Weinehall <tao@acc.umu.se> /) Northern lights wander      (\
//  Maintainer of the v2.0 kernel   //  Dance across the winter sky //
\)  http://www.acc.umu.se/~tao/    (/   Full colour fire           (/

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