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Re: Returning from "vacation". (MIA?)


My most humble apologies.

It has become quite clear that the culture that the DD community
shares has evolved in my absence. My absence disallowed me to
evolve with it. The culture you now enjoy is not the one I left.

I truly didn't expect to be attacked on my first post. I also
truly didn't expect to be further lambasted from all quarters
for responding to them.

I know now that I have no place in your current culture. Debian
has moved on, and so have I. The old saw about never being able
to go "back" has just been reinforced in my mind.

Please consider me permanently retired, and configure my LDAP
entry accordingly.

I wish you all the best of luck. Keep up the excellent work.

/ Clay Crouch                      | <danno@danno.tzo.com>          \
| Shameless Bum Emeritus :^)       | <http://danno.tzo.com/~danno>  |
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