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Re: Future of Debian uncertain?

Nathan E Norman wrote:

debian will probably never be as popular in commercial environments as
RedHat, for the obvious reason that many commercial entities want
another commercial entity to talk to, blame, etc.  Of course, HP's
recent announcement that all internal development will happen using
debian is an interesting twist, and may prove me wrong.

[1] I never found other distros much easier to install than debian,
but then I'm probably one of these elitist jerks you despise as I've
been running linux in some form since 1994 or so.

I really belive I should, as someone tell me, by quiet and see if I can lear something. But one last thing I'll say:

I do not despise elitist like you, even if I may think they sometimes are jerks (just joking :-)).

But I do think the opposite of you, I think the beauty of free soft (and debian as a totaly free system) is that it has the power to enlist all the society in it's use/testing/development. May be I'm wrong and Debian will always be for a little group of elitist people, but I think that the public interest on Debian shows otherwise.


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