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Re: orphaning my packages

On Tue, Nov 19, 2002 at 09:19:07PM +0600, chanka perera <chanka@sdf.lonestar.org> was heard to say:
> Because these advocating process is bit confusing because , It's
> impossible to start a new project at Debian alone 

  No it isn't.

> No place to find ongoing projects unless you mail people and get to know
> them and get help from them

  I was going to say "then do that", but then I realized you were
talking about emailing some random developer and asking them what
needed to be done.

  There are about 6000-8000 ongoing projects in Debian, and you can
find them listed at http://packages.debian.org and http://bugs.debian.org.
There are also people working on the Web pages, the BTS, and the installer
(helping debian-installer get to prime time would be a real feather in
your cap), as well as the recently formed desktop group and some groups
centered around particular software (gnome, kde, apt, dpkg, openoffice,

  Frankly, if you haven't figured the above paragraph out on your own,
it may be a sign that you should wait for a while before you start
trying to join Debian.


/-------------------- Daniel Burrows <dburrows@debian.org> -------------------\
|           "Next, consider a circle passing through infinity; that           |
|            is, a straight line.."                                           |
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