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Re: Soliciting Applications and Nominations for the SPI Board

On Tue, Nov 19, 2002 at 10:22:10AM -0500, Matt Zimmerman wrote:

>>> Another good task might be to arrange for a verifiable certificate for the
>>> https services at spi-inc.org?  Currently, it seems to have an expired
>>> certificate for a different hostname issued by an unrecognized CA (Wichert).

>> By 'verifiable', do you mean using one of the universally-recognized web
>> CAs, or would it be an option to create an SPI (or Debian) CA whose CA
>> cert is shipped with Debian and usable by default?

> By 'verifiable', I mean a certificate which can be verified, by whatever
> means, to belong to SPI, modulo a reasonable doubt.  Given the policies and
> (lack of) secure certificate distribution by the commercial CAs, I've no
> doubt we could do better, but I have some doubt that we have justification.

Yes, even though it would be less automatic for those using non-Debian
web clients, I think most of us have a stronger trust relationship with
any arbitrary key in the Debian strongly-connected set than with
VeriSign. ;)

> But this was more a snide remark than anything; it's not as if the SPI
> website is processing financial transactions, but it does use SSL
> for some forms.

All the more reason not to deplete our accounts for something we could do
just as well ourselves!

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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