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Re: Bug#39830: [AMENDMENT]: get rid of undocumented(7) symlinks

>>"Chris" == Chris Waters <xtifr@debian.org> writes:

 Chris> I'm sorry, but since you made a point of saying "this is not
 Chris> the final form", I assumed you meant that *substantive*
 Chris> changes were still needed.  Not fine-tuning to the markup.  I
 Chris> have always assumed that policy editors are free to fine-tune
 Chris> the markup when necessary.

	If further feedback had indicated improvements that would
 have required changes to be made, why should we disallow the

 Chris> No.  I won't deny that these thoughts crossed my mind (as that
 Chris> would be an obvious lie), but I didn't believe them for a
 Chris> second.  I'm sorry if I seem a little angry, but this has been
 Chris> dragging on for three years, and I'm tired and frustrated with
 Chris> the topic.

	Since it has already taken 3 years, what is another day or so
 to see if we received relevant feedback, and got the buy in of the
 developer community? 

 >> Also, because I am more interested in doing the right thing,
 >> and looking at the spirit of the consensus building process, rather
 >> than being a rules lawyer. You do agree that resolving any flaws we
 >> may have overlooked is more important than not missing a deadline,
 >> don't you?

 Chris> No, fine, wonderful, nobody has found any flaws in this *trivial*
 Chris> proposal in the *three years* since it was originally proposed, but
 Chris> maybe an extra few days in front of a wider audience will reveal the
 Chris> subtle way in which it can destroy the whole project.

	No, but it may reveal improvements, or improve the wording, or
 show us where it is not understandable to people who are not native
 speakers of the language? 

	I am finding all this ranting to be quite unproductive, though
 it may be entertaining to the back benches.

 >> And stop being paranoid.

 Chris> I'm not paranoid, I'm tired and frustrated. 

	I think that may well be getting in the way.


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