Re: Why does modules.conf go in /etc, anyway?
>>"Anthony" == Anthony Towns <> writes:
Anthony> Except we've already established that's /not/ particularly
Anthony> sane: doing that we end up with random programs overwriting
Anthony> the admin's settings in ways that irritate said
Anthony> admin. Creating a new area that's legit for such random
Anthony> changes, will solve that problem, and using symlinks to
Anthony> indicate whether that area should be used or not is both
Anthony> efficient and fairly obvious.
I like this idea a lot. However, I would like to propose
/etc/auto/ rather than /var/some/place as the default option for
these files, and note in policy that /etc/auto/ has files that are
automatically updated, and admins ought not to have any expectations
of local changes being preserved there.
Happiness is having a scratch for every itch. Ogden Nash
Manoj Srivastava <> <>
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