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Re: Why does modules.conf go in /etc, anyway?

>>"Anthony" == Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> writes:

 Anthony> We could always ask a debconf question about it...

 Anthony> (Seriously, we could. "Is /var mounted locally?" with a low
 Anthony> priority, and a default answer based on grep'ing /etc/fstab,
 Anthony> followed by a question about an alternative location that
 Anthony> needs to be looked at by packages that run early. Something
 Anthony> like:

	Wrong. Debconf databases are not a panacea; in this case and
 age old answer in the debaconf database is never to be prefferred to
 doing the check yourself whenever your script needs to know the
 answer (/proc/mounts is your friend, for instance). 

	I do not know where this predeliction to wanting a registry
 comes from, given that we all have seen what happens when you have an
 opaque registry in windows.

 "U can c the color of the interior of the [vehicle]... dig." "Ya stop
 cars with blk interior." "Bees they naugahyde." "Negrohide." "Self
 tanning no doubt." LAPD squad-car computer messages, as quoted in the
 Christopher Report, 7/91
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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