Re: Bug#150551: ITP: wmcoincoin -- Stupid dockapp for browsing DaCode sites news and board
Julien BLACHE <> writes:
> Romain FRANCOISE <> wrote:
>> > Why do you think it has such a small audience ? WMcoincoin is already
>> > used by 10-15 % of the regular users, which has nothing to
>> > do with the 30 users of your estimations.
>> It was my estimation. Where did you get your statistics?
> Here I guess :
> <>
I just made some statistics out of my logfile, which, IIRC contains at least last months stats,
and I can count up to 124 UNIQUE _registered_ users, using wmcoincoin with the default
useragent set.
(woof(pts/3)@Newton:/var/www$ cat archive.dat | grep wm[cC] | perl -ne '@arr = split(/#!:!#/); print $arr[0]."\n";' \
| sort | uniq | wc -l
These are not official stats, though, but they're the only ones I have raw access to, and this computer logs
day and night ..
Arnaud Willem
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