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Re: Bug#150551: ITP: wmcoincoin -- Stupid dockapp for browsing DaCode sites news and board

Josselin Mouette writes:

>> This is the key point - a tool designed for trolling with a very small
>> audience.  I don't really think the package fits into Debian.

> Why do you think it has such a small audience ? WMcoincoin is already
> used by 10-15 % of the linuxfr.org regular users, which has nothing to
> do with the 30 users of your estimations.

It was my estimation. Where did you get your statistics? I don't think
so many people use wmcoincoin, it's mainly used by board addicts, and
these users represent a small part of the whole site audience. Now if
you count how many of these users use Debian...

> And DaCode is also becoming more widely used, as it is faster and more
> secure than PHPNuke. I have heard on this list of a potential migration
> of debianplanet to DaCode. Will this software still look so unuseful to
> you when you have use for it ?

It will make more sense, sure. I still think that wmcoincoin doesn't
deserve the time you'll spend to package it, but if you're willing to
do it, go ahead. Totally your decision.

Romain (romain@linuxfr.org)

Romain FRANCOISE <romain@orebokech.com> | That there, that's not me. I
it's a miracle -- http://orebokech.com/ | go where I please.

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