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Re: Bug#150551: ITP: wmcoincoin -- Stupid dockapp for browsing DaCode sites news and board

Julien BLACHE writes:

> I don't see the point in having this software included in Debian.

I'll second that. As the description says, it's just a stupid dockapp
and the user base doesn't exceed 30 people, I think. Packaging this is
a waste of time.

> DaCode doesn't seem to be very used (compared to PHP/PostNuke for
> instance), maybe packaging it would be more useful :)

Benjamin Drieu (Cc'ed) is working on a package at the moment, it should
be ready some time soon, hopefully.


Romain FRANCOISE <romain@orebokech.com> | I just thought I'd go out
it's a miracle -- http://orebokech.com/ | with a little bit more style.

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