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Re: Bug#150551: ITP: wmcoincoin -- Stupid dockapp for browsing DaCode sites news and board

Michael Stone <mstone@debian.org> writes:

> On Fri, Jun 21, 2002 at 02:36:12PM +0200, Aaron Isotton wrote:
> > BTW, how are you going to remove the "useless" packages?  Do you
> > really think that anybody saying "I am the boss here, and I decide
> > what goes into Debian and what doesn't.  Your package is useless.
> > Your work sucks.  Fuck off." will improve the general quality of
> > Debian and the collaboration between the developers?
> Once again the zealots are frothing. Calm down, sit back, and realize
> that nobody is trying to force a package out of debian. What was asked
> was a *question*.

I suppose mine was an answer, then :-)

> Intended to make the person who submitted the ITP
> reevaluate whether it's an appropriate package. This is a quite
> reasonable thing to do, even though anyone who asks such a question has
> to put up with a lot of uninformed flamage every time. Yes, there is a
> lot of junk in debian.

I don't think so. In any case, I am the proud maintainer of not one
but TWO scripts used by probably only myself. Well, maybe also other 3
people. And I wouldn't say it's crap or has "no real use" because of
that. (sitemap and sitemap-perl). Thus I'm biased :-)

> It would be nice if people took a minute to think
> about whether adding a package is really useful--especially if someone
> raises the question--rather than adding another 0.0.1 version of a
> package that gets orphaned a couple of months later. Do we have a
> mechanism to force that? No.

I think yes. I doubt that a package which is not very important and
which gets orphaned after a couple of months will ever make it into

> *But it's still legal to raise the damned
> question, so there's no need to spout off about censorship or any other
> wild-eyed conspiracy you choose to invoke.*
> Or are you trying to censor the question?

Probably I was too extreme. Sorry to everybody who was offended, hurt,
killed etc. :->

Aaron Isotton

My GPG Public Key: http://www.isotton.com/gpg-public-key

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