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Re: Little things make the initial install experience painful

On Fri, Jun 21, 2002 at 10:09:14AM -0500, Steve Greenland wrote:

> Remember, it's unlikely that someone running stable is going to have the
> equivalent of "apt-get update; apt-get upgrade" running in a nightly
> cron script. They may run it occasionally for security updates, but
> "accidentally" starting an major upgrade ("1047 packages to upgrade,
> 1.3Gb, Continue?") doesn't seem very likely.

It has happened...

> I admit it's a toss up, you'll probably confuse a certain subset of
> people either way. And "First, do no harm" implies that we should switch
> to promoting the use of code names in apt-sources.

I think the pro of being able to properly test the installation system
outweighs the con of having to come up with a better way to let people
know that there's an upgrade, and helping them to do it.

But I've got too much to chew on currently as it stands, so I'm not about
to make a big fuss about it and bite off any more.


Nick Phillips -- nwp@lemon-computing.com
You never know how many friends you have until you rent a house on the beach.

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