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Re: Woody / Stable

Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org> writes:

> 	Well, what _do_ you expect people to say? What do we put on
>  the web when there is no estimate of the time except that we shall
>  release when we are ready to support woody, security wiser?

Maybe a bit more explicitness about what needs to be done, and how
long the people working on it think it might take.  It doesn't need to
be accurate, but it would give people more of an idea on the
timeframe: will woody be released this month?  This year?

>  Essentially, woody shall be released when ready? 

The problem with "It will be released when it's ready" is that it can
be interpreted as meaning "It'll be released whenever we get around to
finishing it."  It sends a completely different message than "It'll be
released when x, y, and z are done and working."

Alan Shutko <ats@acm.org> - In a variety of flavors!
In an orderly world, there's always a place for the disorderly.

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