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Re: It's Huntin' Season

>>"Peter" == Peter S Galbraith <p.galbraith@globetrotter.net> writes:

 Peter> Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org> wrote:
 >> when I noticed an
 >> interesting fact: none of my emacs packages actually ships with a
 >> file in in /etc, and I have checked: gnus, vm, and psgml.

 Peter> But they ship the empty directories.  ;-)

	True enough.

 Peter> So you don't setup autoloads or auto-mode-alist entries?

	Oh, I do. It is all done by the postinst, by the
 emacsen.install. Depending on the flavour the install script is
 called with, one may chose the start.d dir to copy the init .el file

	I guess I am violating the spirit, though not the letter, of
 policy by not testing to see if the previous startup script has been
 modified by the user. Hmm. Durnit. 

 Peter> I guess the load-path add-on of subdirectories is done by
 Peter> modern emacsen anyway, but are they at the right place?  If
 Peter> so, perhaps we should discontinue the habit of adding anything
 Peter> to the load-path.

	As I noted in another message, not all supported emacsen do that.
 >> However, if files are shipped in /etc, they _have_ to be
 >> marked as conffiles, I think.

 Peter> Do we need another non-conffile directory to put startup files?
 Peter> I don't.  Does anyone else?

	I don't think so.  I may have to ask the question that dpkg
 asks. darn.

 The Ranger isn't gonna like it, Yogi.
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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