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Re: It's Huntin' Season

On Mon, 28 Jan 2002 13:16, Anthony Towns wrote:
> So, if you're going to NMU packages (and this applies to the porters
> who've been doing NMUs already too) please be *very* careful of the
> following things:
> 	* A maintainer upload is better than a non-maintainer upload.
> 	  Merging stuff from an NMU takes time and care. If it's not
> 	  necessary, why the maintainer to waste time doing that instead
> 	  of fixing other bugs or adding new features? OTOH, an NMU is
> 	  better than nothing.

There's one other thing.  I suggest that people should make very sure that 
they've done as much as possible for their own packages before trying to fix 
someone else's!

Personally I'd be rather unhappy if someone with dozens of bugs that are more 
than a year old with no activity starts NMUing my packages!  Sure, if you've 
got your own packages right and you're sure you've got the skills then you 
can do NMUs, but if you haven't fixed your own packages then concentrate on 
them first!

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