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Re: [Debian account] I request your attention

From: Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au>
> Should I have avoided doing anything
> 'til Richard realised he wasn't really interested in working on it?

No, but the door was a little more open there. In the case of a package, you
can't do anything major until the maintainer realizes he isn't interested in
working on it. In the case of the DAM, there's almost nothing anyone can do
until he reliquishes some control.

> Should
> we have paused in the release and spent some time publically castigating
> Richard for all the excellent work he's done?

Why? What did he do wrong? There's a difference between willfully chosing
not to do part of a job and not letting someone else do it, and get tired of
a job and taking a while to realize you can't handle it.

> If Debian's really become more about obligations and demands and formal
> procedures than a bunch of folks helping each other out however they
> see fit to achieve a common goal...

[Lousy analogy time]
You're coming over for a barn raising, and brining your nail-gun to help
with the roof. If you deliberately leave a patch of shingles unnailed, and
don't tell anyone, I will be pissed. If you just leave in the middle and
don't bother telling anyone, I will be annoyed. If you say "you know, I just
can't stand the heat anymore" or "I missing the Seattle vs. Seahawks game"
and go home, it won't be problem.

I don't see that as formal; I just see it as polite and neccesary to work

David Starner - dstarner98@aasaa.ofe.org
"The pig -- belongs -- to _all_ mankind!" - Invader Zim

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