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Re: debsig (Was Re: Apt-get is insecure)

Previously Marcus Brinkmann wrote:
> The only difficult parts of gpgme is really getting the forking and
> management of the file descriptors right.  Didn't you say that's trivial? :)

It is.

> The functions are documented, and there is a script gdoc which can produce
> documentation from it (as used in gnome, I think).

I ran make and did not get any documentation..

> I can't judge how good this wrapper is, as I don't know Python.  But using
> gpgme is not difficult, and if you are going to write something anyway, you
> are better off improving the wrapper than writing your own thingie, and here
> is why:

I might reconsider if someone makes packages for gpgme and the
python wrapper for it and uploads them to Debian.


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