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Re: Debian menus policy

On Wed, Dec 12, 2001 at 02:59:27AM -0800, Erik Steffl wrote:
> "Marcelo E. Magallon" wrote:
> > 
> > wow... when did this discussion degenerate into dictating mouse binding
> > policy?
>   the question is what good a menu is when you cannot get to it...

depends upon the window manager.

if you are using IceWM, click the start button looking thing.
if you are using Window Maker, ``right''-click on the root window.

how hard is that?

>   don't be ridiculous. click and drag having different functionality is
> fairly common,

even in Window Maker (the example use)

``left''-click = clear previous window selection
``left''-click+drag = select windows in a region

(interestingly enough, the click in the click+drag still clears the
previous window selection, so there is little overloading involved.)

a better example may be:

  if no Application Menu:
    open Application Menu
  else if Application Menu in clearable state (my term)
    close Application Menu  
    temporarlity open Application Menu

(you can change the state of the Application Menu from clearable to
persistent by ``left'' clicking in the title bar. if you see the Close
Window icon, then the Application(or Window) menu is in a persistent

	clearable and persistent are my terms, no one else. feel free to
	use them.

that sounds convoluted, but it makes sense when you play with it a bit.

>   stupid me. I thought window maker is reasonably configurable (=user
> can assign actions to different common mouse activities (click, double
> click, dragging) and different parts of dektops (root window,
> decorations, windows). oh well.

to some extent. but not like saw(fish|mill).

>   what is the obvious path? I don't see any significant difference
> between how window maker manu behaves and how other menus behave (I just
> tried gnome menu and fvwm menu)

that's the point: there _is_ no significant difference.

so why change it? people that use Window Maker from other platforms
(Solaris!) will not have their fingers trained to use the primary button
to bring up the application menu (assuming that they use a default
Window Maker configuration). now you want to surprise people by making a
very notable change in the operation of a window manager, when, by your
own admission, there is no need to?

> >  Now, please stop trying to dictate policy where there's no policy to be
> >  dictated.
>   are you trying to dictate what I should do? IMO a little bit of
> consistency in how the debian system works wouldn't hurt.

oh no.  this is why the debian menu system is so great :)

step 1) open menu
step 2) choose Games
step 3) start TinT (TinT is not Tetris)

>   and, seeing the 'configurability' of window maker I see there is no
> danger of binding debian app menu to single click in root window... so
> you don't even have to say please for me to stop:-)



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