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Re: Virtual package httpd-with-cgi-suppport.

"Steve" == Steve M Robbins <steven.robbins@videotron.ca> writes:

Jules> It is inconsistent with pgp-i, mutt-i, gs-pdfencrypt.

Steve> Not to belabour the point, but the only inconsistency
Steve> immediately obvious is that those three have one dash whereas

The inconsistency is that the package names mean pgp-with-i,
mutt-with-i, gs-with-pdfencryption.  Which is to say, in general, that
a dash can elegantly imply words like "with", "for", and "from".

Steve> debian-policy/virtual-package-names-list.txt.gz (from
Steve> debian-policy package  Is there a more authoritative

Those particular examples weren't virtual.

Steve> Incidentally, there are already virtual package names with two
Steve> and even three dashes, e.g. linux-kernel-log-daemon.

True.  But each word there is necessary.

Steve> unambiguous at first glance.  The shorter httpd-cgi, on the
Steve> other hand, might be taken to refer to "CGI programs for
Steve> httpd".

Ambiguous alone, yes.  But in the context that people are likely to come
across this package (apt: "package clevercgi needs httpd-cgi, which is
provided by apache, roxen, etc, choose wisely") I don't believe it will

To be consistent with our package naming tradition, I have to vote for
"httpd-cgi", and hope my fellow daemon maintainers think similarly.


<yath> I know this guy is minimalist.. but it wouldn't KILL him to
        make the prog respond to --version

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