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Re: Unstable X can't find font "fixed" dies immediately.

On Mon, Oct 22, 2001 at 03:25:25PM +0100, Nick Phillips wrote:
> I wasn't; the machine has a Geforce 2 MX, so it only worked with the VGA16
> X server with xfree86 3.x... however, that did appear to work as far as
> XF86Setup went, IIRC.

Even the version 3 X servers needed to be able to find the "fixed" font
to start.

I remain puzzled how you operated a local X server without:

1) using a remote font server to get the "fixed" font; or
2) having xfonts-base installed; or
3) having some X fonts on your system that weren't under the control of
the packaging system

G. Branden Robinson                |      We either learn from history or,
Debian GNU/Linux                   |      uh, well, something bad will
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