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Re: woody is getting worse...

On Tue, Oct 16, 2001 at 11:44:12PM -0700, Adam McKenna wrote:
> So, in that case, how does "X doesn't start anymore" translate into a non-RC
> bug?

It might, if that were the case.

xinit (with a client program specified), gdm, and direct invocation of
the server all serve to start the X server just fine, even with the
current bug unfixed by the local administrator, which, fortunately, he
can do, because *the bug is in a conffile*.

In hindsight, I should have not waited for ARM to get built and just
released 4.1.0-8, sure.  But I hate contributing to the problem that the
autobuilders have with, e.g., KDE, where tons of builds get
"given-back" because the source package is out of date by the time they
get the chance to try compiling it.

When making a release of XFree86, I try to take into consideration the
users of all of Debian's architectures, not just those that whine the
loudest (i386 users).

> Branden, you shouldn't have let this bug get into woody.  Admit it, learn 
> from it, and move on.

Adam, you shouldn't act like a pompous prick unless you want to maintain
XFree86 yourself.

I didn't see anyone -- not the release manager, not anyone -- taking the
initiative to upgrade the severity of this bug.  Given that, I conclude
that the matter was left to my discretion.  Second-guessing the decision
now doesn't do anyone any good.

Alternatively, I could never downgrade any bugs that are filed against
X, and it would be promptly removed from the distribution due to bugs I
can't fix.  (See most of the "important" bugs against xserver-xfree86.)

G. Branden Robinson                |    Somebody once asked me if I thought
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    sex was dirty.  I said, "It is if
branden@debian.org                 |    you're doing it right."
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |    -- Woody Allen

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