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Re: real LSB compliance

>>"Christopher" == Christopher Yeoh <cyeoh@samba.org> writes:

 Christopher> Anthony Towns writes:
 >> Well, the Debian Way of supporting the LSB would be to have some
 >> developer go off, create a lsb_1.0_i386.deb that includes any necessary
 >> software, or depends on other packages that do (and a corresponding
 >> lsb-dev_1.0_i386.deb for people who want to build lsb packages), upload
 >> them, and basically be done. 

 Christopher> Much like FHS compliance (which is part of the LSB but
 Christopher> Debian has been  heading towards anyway) some parts are
 Christopher> going to need at the very least  the cooperation of
 Christopher> maintainers of other packages. 

	Indeed. And parts may require policy changes; and we need to
 go through the process. Perhaps we need to send out a feeler in the
 policy list _before_ things are laid out in stone, so the technical
 objections can be answered, or the proposal modified, before the

 >> Expecting all of Debian to just suddenly see some new (and completely
 >> unimplemented!) proposal, and decide to support it wholeheartedly and

 Christopher> Although there are a few new bits, actually the vast
 Christopher> majority of the  specification has already been
 Christopher> implemented in more than one  distribution. I think
 Christopher> we'll see free implementations of all of the rest
 Christopher> available from various sources within a few months. 

	I guess we shall be better able to judge where we stand with
 respect to the proposal then.

 If ever the pleasure of one has to be bought by the pain of the
 other, there better be no trade.  A trade by which one gains and the
 other loses is a fraud. Dagny Taggart, "Atlas Shrugged"
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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