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Re: wishlist for dpkg

* Wichert Akkerman 

| I don't know, but that bugreport is just as vague so there isn't much
| we can do about it unless someone can show me exactly what goes wrong,
| and (preferably) can reproduce it.

I think I can reproduce it - I don't know if any of the relevant code
has changed from 1.8.3 (or whatever's in testing those days).

I downloaded a package from the web (opera-static from
"http://www.opera.com/debian potato opera" to be exact), by use of
wget.  Then I copied it over, using scp, but before it was completely
downloaded.  dpkg had removed and the old one and then barfed after it
had unpacked the new package, partially.

I don't have the logs handy, but I think it should be easy to


Tollef Fog Heen
Unix _IS_ user friendly... It's just selective about who its friends are.

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