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wishlist for dpkg


I think it would be real cool (TM) if dpkg would warn me that my libc6
package is corrupt before it installs it and attempts to make my
system entirely unusable...

I copied the file over to /var/cache/apt/archives using rsync (as
apt-get said it was corrupt, and I didn't want to down load the whole
thing again), but didn't realize I needed to use the -c parameter to
force rsync to check the file.

apt-get saw the file in the correct spot, and didn't bother to check
it again either. :-(

Fortunately, everything was OK, except for ldconfig, and I managed to
get my copy from my stable chroot working (nothing else worked though,
only ldconfig, as everything wanted to use /lib/ld-linux.so.2 from my
unstable system, despite setting up LD_LIBRARY_PATH).

In hindsight I might have been able to just set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to
/lib instead of /chroot/stable/lib (now why didn't I think of that
before ;-) ), but at the time I didn't realize that ldconfig was the
only problem (I guess I was lucky).

Anyway, just my thoughts on the matter. The same thing won't happen to
me again ;-).
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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