Re: upgrading only urgency=high packages
Matt Zimmerman <> writes:
> On Tue, May 01, 2001 at 02:12:24PM -0400, Dan Christensen wrote:
> > Is there a way to upgrade all currently installed packages which have
> > had an urgency=high version uploaded to the archive since I last
> > upgraded?
> I had an idea (and a working script) to extract changelogs from source packages
> and insert them into a SQL database. My original intention was to allow
> apt-listchanges to display changelogs for packages before downloading them, but
> such a database would also allow for queries like this. It would also allow
> the CGI changelog viewer to work again.
> If the daily lintian runs start up again, this script could easily be run when
> a source package is unpacked, to keep the database up-to-date as new packages
> come into the archive.
These ideas sound great to me. In case they don't get implemented, or
until they do, would it be hard to cook up a script that does what I
want, even if it involves downloading the packages to see the changelogs?
Can I get apt to print out the .deb's it is going to install?
Something like "apt-get -s dist-upgrade | grep Inst", but with output
suitable for apt-listchanges. This would be enough for me to cook up
something, I think, although it would be a bit awkward.
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