Re: BTS feature?
On Tue, May 01, 2001 at 03:38:06PM +1000, Brian May wrote:
> Hello,
> during the latest debate on the BTS, I thought of a new feature
> which would be really useful in the BTS.
> Instead of the maintainer sending a message to
> <bugid> saying "this is not a bug" (which only
> serves to annoy submitters who are convinced otherwise), you should be
> able to send a message to <bugid>
> The BTS system would automatically close the bug if nothing else is
> received, say within 30 days. If something is received, then the
> autoclose is cancelled, and the bug remains open.
I don't follow your reasoning. Are you suggesting that the bug submitters
will be less annoyed if the bug is closed after 30 days, rather than
immediately? Why would that be?
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