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Re: missing debconf dependancies

On Sat, Feb 24, 2001 at 08:19:18AM -0800, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 24, 2001 at 12:14:37PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
> > Don't you think it'd be easier to add a pre-depends: in one place, than
> > demand a couple of dozen other packages be fixed?
> I have said it before, one of the things about Debian is we make the right
> choices, not always the easiest ones.  I would rather have a techinically
> sound release than a rush job where we cut corners.

There is nothing technically unsound with just adding a pre-depends: indeed
it's a better solution since it makes packages like the current ssh and
netbase work correctly.

Nor is it mutually exclusive with adding depends in all those other packages;
it just lowers the urgency with which those changes need to happen.

Treating debconf as semi-essential (priority: important or required,
included in base, and always functional as long as it's unpacked, whether
configured or not), will ensure that almost no users will come across
any problems unless they go a long way out of their way. And this'll
all happen with a single upload of a single well-maintained package,
rather than 20 NMUs, so it'll happen sooner and be more reliable, and let
the people who would've been doing the NMUs work on their own packages,
or on other issues that'll actually affect users.


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred.

``_Any_ increase in interface difficulty, in exchange for a benefit you
  do not understand, cannot perceive, or don't care about, is too much.''
                      -- John S. Novak, III (The Humblest Man on the Net)

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