ITP: dia2code / RFSponsor [Re: I propose some packages]
Le mar, fév 20, 2001, à 09:18:28 +0200, Juhapekka Tolvanen a écrit:
> First I'd like to tell, that I don't subscribe to debian-devel, but I
> can read its archives from WWW. And I am not a Debian developer.
> I propose these packages to be added to Debian GNU/Linux. I will use
> bug-tracking system against pseudo-package called wnpp, if I have enough
> time.
> * * *
> Dia2Code:
> Dia2Code is a small utility used to generate code from a Dia diagram. In
> the other words, it is simple CASE-tool.
> * * *
Just did it (probably poorly). It sits there:
deb unofficial main
deb-src unofficial main
I'd be very happy if someone was willing to sponsor this package (there's an
other one there too (gtkdps), but it's still a bit too fresh, and quite a
different kettle of fish).
-- Cyrille
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