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Re: I'm not quitting that easy. (Was: Re: I would like to vote also.)

>>>>> "Glenn" == Glenn McGrath <bug1@optushome.com.au> writes:

    Glenn> "Thomas Bushnell, BSG" wrote:
    >> karlheg@bittersweet.member.dsl-only.net (Karl M. Hegbloom) writes:
    >> >  </sigh> You must have skipped the next paragraph...  I *do* get it.
    >> >  I said that.  It doesn't prove I'm the man in the photo, just that
    >> >  the man in the photo is the man they've met.
    >> Well, that's quite irrelevant then.  They can tell us that without any
    >> signatures or PGP at all.
    Glenn> Well, thats the same deal with everyone isnt it, anyone whos had there
    Glenn> id verified by meeting other developers could be an "imposter"
    Glenn> presenting the same "fake" id to everyone.

 It's difficult for an amature to verify the authenticity of out of
 state identification.  Even bartenders and police have trouble with
 that... though the cops can at least, potentially, perform a database
 query and get other bits of information that lead to a more probably
 positive ID...  Hmmm.  What a concept.  Hey, Amos Shapirah!  What did
 I have for lunch the day you bought lunch for us here in Portland?
 Don't tell it here; ask me to tell you, so you can verify I'm really
 the man in the photo in people.d.o:~karlheg/.

    Glenn> Would it really matter if there was a debian developer that works really
    Glenn> hard and had NOT proven their ID beyond a shadow of a doubt.

 Hmmm.  Our actions are who we "are" here.  (please not forgetting
 that we are people at the other end, not characters in a Zork
 adventure.  (Developer II+ invent))

    Glenn> Its not that hard to recognise some people by the style and content of
    Glenn> there writting, im sure that Karl is the one and only Karl M. Hegbloom
    Glenn> that has ever posted to debian mailing lists.

 Yes, I am he.  The keyless one.  Alone and on *bold* I clack at thee,
 overwrite! overstrike!  Hydraulic pizza oven!!  Sliced Bread!! Guided
 missile!  Herring sandwich!  Styrofoam!  Jayne Mansfield!  Aluminum
 siding!  Borax!  Pedal pushers!  Jukebox!  Debian!

    Glenn> Has this thread ever been more than just a personal attack?

 More like a boardroom blitz, I'd say.

    Glenn> Why dont we judge people by their work/contribution?

 We do!  And we embrace our insanity.  Often enough, it pays the

    Glenn> "To err is human, to make the same mistake twice is stupid." - ?

 Wow.  Maybe.  And... Where does "stupid" rank in the unsorted
 listing "dorky stupid wishlist normal grave patch security"?

mailto: Karl M. Hegbloom <karlheg@debian.org>
 ( <-- These are full-on slotskis. --> )
     This is only a semi-colon --> ;

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