Re: Release-critical Bugreport for December 8, 2000
> > Package: djtools (debian/main)
> > Maintainer: Debian QA Group <>
> > 71280 djtools: djtools: Default setup (w/magicfilter) looses lines
> I would appreciate if someone who has a hp-printer would take care of
> this bug as it looks to be related to the hp-printer-stuff in the
> package.
I've adopted djtools, and fixed another (maybe?) related bug, but haven't
been able to reproduce this bug, and have gotten no response from the
reporter so-far. I, however, have a much newer printer than djscript was
originally designed for (932 vs 500) so it could have something to do
with that.
Could anyone who experienced the problem of losing lines when printing
text files using djscript (the default text filter for hp printers using
magicfilter) please test the new package at
to see if this problem still persists? Thanks.
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