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Re: kernel-package or kernel bug???

>>>>> "Manoj" == Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org> writes:

    Brian> This is an pure potato system, although perhaps not
    Brian> entirely up-to-date, as ftp.au.debian.org seems to have
    Brian> lost its Debian packages :-(

    Manoj>  	Therein lies your problem. Your kernel needs a newer
    Manoj> modutils than you have installed. Look into the kernel
    Manoj> source Documentation dir for the versions oif software you
    Manoj> need to have installed.

Not sure I understand:

1. is potato not compatible with 2.2.17? or perhaps this is just the
initial release of potato, and not the updates.

2. how can a new modutils prevent this symlink from being created?

Or are you saying that depmod should just ignore this symlink?

If this is the case, it seems pretty silly, as the deb file typically
is for installation on other computers, where the symlink just will
become an invalid symlink.
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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