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Re: kernel-package or kernel bug???

>>"Brian" == Brian May <bam@debian.org> writes:

 Brian> lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           35 Sep 27 08:21 /lib/modules/2.2.17/build -> /homes/bam/admin/linux/linux-2.2.17/
 Brian> I use make-kpkg to generate my kernel (and some problem occurred on at
 Brian> least two different computers). Yes, this symlink does appear in the
 Brian> *.deb file.

 Brian> Does this symlink represent a bug somewhere?

	Nope. This is an artifact of the kernel makefile; they install
 the link when one does a installs the modules.

 Brian> I was rather puzzled at boot-up when depmod seemed to be scanning the
 Brian> entire linux source tree.

 Brian> This is an pure potato system, although perhaps not entirely
 Brian> up-to-date, as ftp.au.debian.org seems to have lost its Debian
 Brian> packages :-(

 	Therein lies your problem. Your kernel needs a newer modutils
 than you have installed. Look into the kernel source Documentation
 dir for the versions oif software you need to have installed.

 Parkinson's Law: Work expands to fill the time alloted it.
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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