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Re: init script config files

On Sat, Jul 08, 2000 at 12:40:01PM -0400, Christopher W. Curtis wrote:
> Ethan Benson wrote:

> > or start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/sshd
> Yes, there is duplication with start-stop-daemon.  I am not intimate
> with SSD and I read the manpage - it seemed complicated and I just
> wanted something simple.  However, if people like this, I would be quite

Most of what looks complicated about it is just it being flexable and
can be ignored in the normal course of affairs.

> # note: start-stop-daemon uses "--stop" to stop a daemon, but it
> #  does not send it SIGSTOP.  Very confusing.  I'll use TERM.

But it does stop the daemon, which is what you'd expect --stop to do :-)
You can specify the signal with --signal.  

> We disagree here as well.  Adding any variables is going to add
> complication.  Having a default library simply takes some of that
> complication out of the init script and puts it out of direct sigh,
> which is, to me, less convoluted, and makes writing init scrtipt less
> complicated.

It can be great when you're writing scripts, but the risk is that you end
up with scripts that are harder than they might otherwise be for someone
to just pick up and follow in a hurry.  It's amazing how much more
annoying it can be to figure out a script when you have to go jumping
around all over the place looking for the bits that hold it together - 
even if there's only one include file to look at.  You'd be surprised
how quickly things written with the best of intentions and a sensible
design can be obfuscated.

Mark Brown  mailto:broonie@tardis.ed.ac.uk   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)
EUFS        http://www.eusa.ed.ac.uk/societies/filmsoc/

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