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Re: request for a init script policy

On Sun, 2 Jul 2000, Daniel Burrows wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 30, 2000 at 10:39:48AM -0700, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry <shaleh@valinux.com> was heard to say:
> > I would like for us to get together and come up with a standard here.  Doing
> > this will benfit everyone and hurt no one.  People who want the silly colored
> > boot messages can wrap our init, as can users of tools like Aurora.
>   I think this is a great idea.  Can it be a goal for woody?  Please? :)

I agree that this would a great benefit (although I don't think that we
can attribute the trick to RedHat - they seem to have "borrowed" it from
HP-UX, which started doing this with HP-UX 10.0 in about 1996, and it
probably wasn't theirs to start with either).

While we're discussing this, I'd like to hear comments on the idea of
using an /etc/rc.config.d/$package scheme, like that in HP-UX.  This file
is a shell script that gets sourced by the /etc/init.d/$package.  It
normally has no real code in it, merely environment variables.  What this
buys us is the ability to let the end user modify the rc.config.d file and
not mess with the init.d script.

As an example:  For sendmail, I'd like to have the package loaded on
workstations, but don't want to run the daemon there, so I'd set
"RUN_DAEMON=0" in /etc/rc.config.d/sendmail.  This way, I don't have to
muck with /etc/init.d/sendmail to get the functionality I desire, and new
versions of the init.d script can be installed without disturbing the
administrator with having to accept the new version and edit it.

I realize that this makes more sense for production admins and folks that
have to take care of lots of systems, but it doesn't seem like it would
harm anything either.

  tony@mancill.com         |  You won't get wise with the sleep still in
http://www.debian.org      |  your eyes - no matter what your dream might be.
                           |        (Peart)

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