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Re: all xterms

On Wed, Nov 03, 1999 at 07:49:51PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 03, 1999 at 04:39:31PM +0100, Tomasz Wegrzanowski wrote:
> > 2) we need a way to have user-basis xterm chosing
> We have one (at least once all the packages that provide terminal emulators
> for X migrate to my new system, and most of them seem to have done so
> already).  It's called $HOME/bin, with an appropriate addition to the
> user's $PATH in his shell startup files, and a symbolic link.

admin(A) and user(U) are talking
U - oh, guru, how could i make programs use fooedit ?
A - you have to set EDITOR to `fooedit'
U - thanks, and how could i make programs use barpager ?
A - you have to set PAGER to `barpager'
U - thanks, and how could i make programs use quuxterm ?
A - you have to make dir /bin in your home directory,
    insert ~/bin at start of your PATH, and then make
    a symlink to /usr/bin/quuxterm named ~/bin/x-terminal-emulator

You now see, why i dont like this idea
It have all signs of being local hack not
a ready solution
Btw : when we will have all programs using sensible-editor
make its content:
--- start ---
--- end ---
forget about EDITOR and VISUAL and wait for users' reaction

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