Re: Intent to package: GREED
On Mon, Apr 26, 1999 at 09:12:21AM +0200, Leon Breedt wrote:
> Regarding curl, I'll be packaging an SSL enabled version only, as it seems
> that policy doesnt cover a source package building for both US & non-US.
...because such a source-package would be illegal to export, and thus
couldn't be in non-non-us. And if the source can't be in non-non-us,
neither can the binary.
-=- James Mastros
"My friend Data: You see the world with the wonder of a child, and that
makes you more human then any of us."
-=- Lt. Tasha Yar, upon the occasion of her death.
cat /dev/urandom|james --insane=yes >
ICQ: 1293899 AIM: theorbtwo YPager: theorbtwo
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