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Re: intent to packge: FreeWrl vrml browser

On Mon, 10 Aug 1998, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:

jfs>	I haven't tried to use xswallow plugin for Mozilla, but I will,
jfs>after I return from vacations (I have mozilla installed, so that will be
jfs>easy..) If it works it'll change the Depends to, Netscape | Mozilla I guess.

	By the way, xswallow kept crashing my netscape on startup. I
finally gave up.

jfs>	You're right about the conffile, xswallow uses a conffile at the
jfs>user directory ~/.netscape/plugins/ if I'am right, or at the systems

	If I am not mistaken, policy forbids one package from writing in a
directory that is installed by another package.  It might be nice to have
some kind of 'friends' mechanism.
	I think the proper way , and what happens typically, is to include
an interface program with a package A that package B can call in postinst
to configure A to work together with B.  In this case we need one for
netscape to install modules. 
	For xswallow, I'd say change the code (it's probably easy) to look
in etc/xswallow for the conffile, and make a script that a package, say
freewrl, can call to add itself to the xswallow conf file. 

jfs>	I suppose the system wide configuration would be more precisely
jfs>located at, for example /etc/xswallow.conf, which I suppose could be touched
jfs>by other packages, am I right? Other possibility is writting a script to add

	No. This is not allowed.

jfs>things to xswallow, script provided in the xswallow package, I could do this
jfs>and package it together... suggestions?? Is it OK to write a perl script,
jfs>maybe with a dialog interface if no command options are given? Or MUST I use

	Perl is certainly OK.  This is starting to take some work :) .....


John Lapeyre <lapeyre@physics.arizona.edu>
Tucson,AZ     http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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