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Re: "goals" for slink: FHS

>>"Raul" == Raul Miller <rdm@test.legislate.com> writes:

 Raul> And I guess a third option would be to have fhs compliance be represented
 Raul> as an empty package, which conflicts with package versions not supporting
 Raul> it (man, info, ...), and package versions supplying files in the new
 Raul> locations (everything that has a moved location) depending on fhs.

 Raul> I could live with this (testing the initial series of packages would be
 Raul> a bit tricky, and we have to make sure we track down every package that
 Raul> supports man, info or doc, but those are the only drawbacks).

	Hmm. I could live with this, since people do not need to
 install this package, really. Is a package like this really worth it?
 We did not have a package that depended on libc6 and with every
 package that moved to libc6, called glibc-compliance either. 

	I also would like us to be pro-active about helping people run
 a hybrid Hamm/Slink system (siince incremental upgrading is on of our
 selling points).

	And that would involve tracking down all programs that read
 files affected by the FHS move, and create Hamm versions for them (in
 other words, apart from also reading another location, they are still
 the stable Hamm versions -- so people can still use them while
 retaining a stable system).


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