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Re: RH and GNOME

>>"Petra" == Petra, Kevin J Poorman <ewigin@SoftHome.net> writes:

 Petra> basicly a install option that would allow my dad (who knows
 Petra> how to use netscape and word... and thats it) to install and
 Petra> use linux, and would allow him to do the final reboot to a few
 Petra> last questions and then dump him into a much easyer x
 Petra> configureation system.

	Firstly, you shall be doing your father a disservice if you
 decieve him about the ease of a UNIX system; unless you have made
 similar advancements in UNIX systems adminstration. (If you can
 indeed do the latter, COMPAQ/DIGITAL is looking for you, and they
 have a 7 figure salary in mind).

	Secondly, the underpinning for what you are talking about is
 far from trivial, and indeed, some of it may indeed be intractable to
 the degree that it is impractical.

	I am not saying this is not a laudable goal. I am merely
 trying to institute a reality check. A more concrete proposal would
 be desirable.


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