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Re: dpkg on AIX?

Dan Jacobowitz <drow@false.org> writes:
> It will be painful - heck, it's painful enough on debian-powerpc.  Not
> to mention I can't build jade for the documentation - does any version
> of egcs handle jade yet or must I try to get libg++272 working?

Dan, I'm the jade maintainer.  

I'll be working with the new upstream 1.1.1; while I'm at it I'm going
to try a build with eg++.  As you may or may not know, nsgmls and jade
all come from one upstream sourceball (the jade sources).
Furthermore, AFAIK, egcs has a problem specifically with jade (and not
nsgmls/SP), and from what people tell me, it's eg++'s problem, not
jade's.  (At any rate, the upstream maintainer, James Clark, has been

If I can't get jade to go with eg++, I will try instead building sp
with eg++ and jade with g++272 (not sure that's very wise, but...).

Keep your fingers crossed.
.....A. P. Harris...apharris@onShore.com...<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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