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Preparing upload for non-maintainer dpkg-ftp

It's been some time I use an enhanced version of dpkg-ftp (optimized
for dialup boxes).

As it seems that:

* 1.5.1 is still unusable for dialout boxes,

* I didn't heard about a new one to be released soon,

* Klee is too busy to integrate my patches / answer at all (or
mail was lost),

 i am thinking about uploading this version to hamm.

I will indeed do so within 2 days if noone objects.

Note that it should be quite stable, fixes 5 bug-reports (indeed 2
different "bugs" only) and I don't think it would be wise to put it
experimental, where Klee's 1.5.1 has the same package-name.

Here's the changelog entry:
dpkg-ftp ( unstable; urgency=low

  * Non-maintainer release.
  * Added check on Packages files' date (mdtm) to prevent retrievial of
    already up-to-date files (Fixes: Bug#6018, Bug#8144, Bug#9276).
  * Added support for un-sectionned distributions (eg. `experimental')
    (Fixes: Bug#8598, Bug#15334).
  * Several cosmetic changes in output messages.
  * Switched dependencies to 'libnet-perl' (starting from 'hamm'),
    because the mdtm bug is fixed now.
  * Added the ability of retrying an upload just after one aborted,
    without losing time re-reading all those files.

 -- Yann Dirson <dirson@debian.org>  Fri, 30 Jan 1998 02:32:41 +0100
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