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Re: Gzipped .dvi files?

On Thu, Jan 29, 1998 at 11:09:20AM -0600, Zed Pobre wrote:
> > If you have time to volunteer, try to fix the dvi viewer's to accept
> > gzipped files - start with dvisvga, it is my favourite one ;)
>     The easiest way that I have found to do this under a libc5 system is
> to install zlibc, the latest version being 0.9f.  I couldn't find a .deb
> for it, but it wouldn't be very hard for me to build one if anyone thinks
> it would be worth it (I'd probably need some help getting the policy stuff
> straight, so I'd be bugging you again...)

At the moment, it would be no solution, because Debian 2.0 will be libc6,
and no libc5 packages are allowed (modulo the compatibility packages)

>     In any case, once it's been installed, you simply pretend that the .gz
> extension doesn't exist when passing arguments to xdvi or whatever.  I
> don't use dvisvga, but I do know that neither xdvi nor gv are bothered by
> .gz files with zlibc installed.

If zlibc will be libc6 compatible, it could make its way into a debian
package, but perhaps a patch to the source of the viewers would not be too
hard. Mmmh, is zlibc a libc5 replacement? I'm not sure if it would be a good
idea to have concurrent libc's installed...
>     Incidentally, I couldn't find anything in the documentation on this...
> What's the etiquitte for replies sent to the list in terms of what should
> go into "To" or "Cc" fields?  Should the individual names be stripped, and
> just the debian-devel address left (those people are going to get two
> copies, after all...), or more like I have left it (by automated
> reply-to-all)?

Some people don't want to be CC'ed, but most people just reply to all. I
prefer it, because it is easier for me to see what mail is addressed to me,
and I can reply faster. Judge by common sense, and watch for "please cc me"
and "please don't cc me" lines.


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