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Re: Forwarded: RFC: New source packaging format

jim@jimpick.com (Jim Pick)  wrote on 22.10.97 in <[🔎] 87n2k181p8.fsf@fleming.jimpick.com>:

> Funny that there has been so much negative reaction -- and nobody has
> even bothered to download the samples I put up yet.  Most of the debate
> so far has just been a knee-jerk reaction to somebody trying to shake
> up the status quo.  I'm quite disappointed in the level of technical
> debate.  But I guess that's to be expected - technical debate is much
> more boring than politics and taking sides.

I found Bruce's and Ian's technical arguments mostly quite good, in fact  
he seems to have said most or of what I would have said. And the only knee- 
jerk reactions *I* saw were reactions to criticism of your idea.

I must say I'm seriously underimpressed by this scheme. It seems to me to  
implement most of what was explicitely rejected (and for good reasons) for  
dpkg-source, and leave out all the good stuff, for nothing more than a  
version of dependencies that, IMHO, doesn't really do what we need (see  
Bruce's comments for details).

> You obviously like dpkg-source.  I, on the other hand, hate it.

I like it. Sure, it has bugs, but bugs can be corrected. That's the easy  
part. The functionality that's there is fine. Some more functionaliy would  
be nice, but the way to get that is not by scrapping all we have,  
implement a weak version of the new functionality, and drop all the old  

Sorry to sound so negative, but that's the way I feel about your proposal.

> PLEASE, somebody download my demo and really try it out!  I'm pleading

You described it just fine. It's just not a direction I'm interested in  

You do have some good points wrt needed improvements to dpkg-source. I  
just think the thing to do is to actually improve dpkg-source.

Apart from that, the biggest challenges I currently see are elsewhere:

* Do some automake-like mechanism for debian/rules.

* Work on a system that can generate .deb's from sources, for the whole  
system. Find a way to make that system do a make world.

I suspect that after doing the second point, we will have a much better  
understanding of source dependencies :-)

> I want some real feedback, not uninformed opinion.

I think you got it.

> (Sorry, Bruce.)

(Sorry, Jim.)

MfG Kai

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