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Re: MaintainerDatabase Copyright

srivasta@datasync.com (Manoj Srivastava)  wrote on 06.10.97 in <[🔎] 87en5zo4xp.fsf@tiamat.datasync.com·2>:

> Hi,
> >>"Kai" == Kai Henningsen <kaih@khms.westfalen.de> writes:

Kai>> srivasta@datasync.com (Manoj Srivastava) wrote on 04.10.97 in
Kai>> <[🔎] 87zpopz5n7.fsf@tiamat.datasync.com>:
> >> ps. How would YOU like your email address to be changed to
> >> user@tiamat.datasync.com? or to user@Yes.We.Spam.com?

Kai>> So what? Where's the problem with that, exactly?

Kai>> Somehow, I can't see it.

> 	;-). Unfortunately, people have a problem with that. (Myself
>  included). We have to try to reach a solution, if at all possible,
>  that reflects not just your viewpoint, but of other peoles as well.

Well, nobody has yet explained what exactly that problem is, or at least I  
haven't seen any such explanation. All people have done is assert that  
there is a problem; I have absolutely no idea what this problem is.

On the other hand, the people uncomfortable with the restrictions have  
explained their point of view at length.

Kai>> As to changeability of the data set, so what? PGP-sign the
Kai>> original, so people can verify if they _have_ the original, and
Kai>> forget about the "problem".

> 	This is quite as high handed as I was being.

High handed? Somehow I doubt we are actually speaking the same language  

It's hard to find a compromise with a position that's never been  
explained. Only one of the sides in this dispute is that way.

MfG Kai

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