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Re: pristine sources?

On Thu, Oct 09, 1997 at 10:53:38AM +0200, Santiago Vila Doncel wrote:
> We (still) can't. Braindead upstream sources still have to be repackaged [*].
> But we can use pristine sources for all the well-behaved ones.

Why not fix dpkg so that it can handle braindamaged sources as well?

If I understand this correctly, dpkg can't handle upstream sources that
don't unpack into a single directory. However, dpkg could always create a
temporary directory, unpack the upstream sources there, check whether only
a single directory was unpacked and if that's the case, move this directory
to the right place and remove the temporary directory. If the sources
didn't unpack into one directory, dpkg could just rename the temporary
directory to <package>-<version>.orig.

Why doesn't dpkg do this?

/* Martin Buck                      E-Mail: martin-2.buck@student.uni-ulm.de */
/* Student of electrical engineering   WWW: http://www.uni-ulm.de/~s_mbuck1/ */
/* University of Ulm, Germany  Snail-Mail: Paukengasse 2, 89077 Ulm, Germany */
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