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Re: repartitioning without destroying current partition

	All the linux distributions (that I have seen, rh,deb,slk,suse)
have fips in their dos utilities area (with GZIP.EXE , etc.)  Slackware
used to document how to use it for a linux install.  I think it would be
nice to have it more integrated into the documentation.  I remember back
when installing linux was scary-- I was turned off of debian (or was it
redhat ?) precisely because it did not include specific intsructions for
chopping my DOS partition in half-- silly as it seems. You just read the
fips instructions, repartition, and then the install is a separate
problem.  But, to the neophyte, things can look really complicated, and
they want an all in one kind of install.

 G John Lapeyre <lapeyre@physics.arizona.edu>
Tucson,AZ     http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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